My mission is to introduce people to weight training in a way that aligns with living a healthy lifestyle as part of a whole system that brings health in a holistic way.

About Me


  • The Four Elements of Health

    Being healthy will mean something different to everyone. ​

    It is a continual process of learning the inner workings of our bodies and minds, becoming more aware about our thoughts, actions and choices in daily life and living in alignment with your goals and needs.

  • Exercise

    The first reason people normally start any exercise program is to feel better in their bodies. Our bodies are made to move!

    Often in today’s world, we struggle to find the time to fit exercise into our lives, we are sat down a lot, becoming stiff and fatigued. By performing various forms exercise, we can bring health and wellness in various forms, and can tailor our exercise choices to suit our goals and needs.

  • Nutrition

    Today we are bombarded with constantly changing advice we don't know who to trust.

    There are some fundamental principles of nutrition despite every person having variations in how they respond to different types of food. To truly be healthy, we need to eat in a way that brings us health. The majority of our diet should be whole, unprocessed foods that allow us to thrive, keep our bodies functioning optimally, keep us healthy and prevent health problems.

  • Mindset

    Most of us are suffering not only from ill physical health, but also mental health. With the constant stresses of daily life and bombardment of influences from media, social and domestic pressures can all take a toll on our mental wellbeing. By practicing mindfulness, we can become more aware how our mindset and thoughts have either a profound beneficial or detrimental effect on our lives.

  • Self-Care

    We must provide balance in our lives and in today's world, work often dominates our waking hours. This leads to burn out, stress, depression which in turn drains our energy and view on life and not only effects us but those around us. By practicing self-care, we can bring balance back to our minds and bodies, so that we have more to give to yourselves and others.

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  • My Online Personal Training Package is designed to help my clients:​

    • Achieve a stronger, fitter and healthier body.
    • Feel more confident in (and out) of the gym.
    • Lose any unwanted weight through training, nutrition and restoring balance in the body.
    • Find tasty and enjoyable ways to eat healthy food. 
    • Experience exercise in a totally different way. 
    • De-stress, energise and create balance so they have more to give to themselves, their families and friends. 
    • Loosen any built up stiffness - lower back and neck pain, rounded shoulders, tight hips and general body stiffness.
    • Aid any injuries or ailments in recovery through correct training mechanics by implementing different training and mobility protocols.